Saturday, August 20, 2011


A little over a year ago my husband left for basic combat training, his joining the army was a new beginning for us. After he graduated from BCT I moved to Fort Gordon with him for his AIT. I started seeing a GYN on post there, and was prescribed metformin. These pills were not fun, I had horrible headaches and upset stomachs with them at first and then as soon as I started getting used to them and my side effects would become less severe, they would up my dosage. I was up to four 500mg tablets per day. I still wasn’t even starting my period while on them. I was also prescribed prenatal vitamins and a folic acid tablet every day. I will say while taking metformin I lost 10 lbs and then maintained my weight while on it, but when I stopped taking them I gained 15 lbs and have been stuck there ever since. The metformin alone wasn’t helping me, but we would be PCSing to Fort Benning soon and I would be seeing a new doctor.

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